Instrumenting Erlang and Elixir code with open telemetry

A gentle introduction to instrumenting your erlang/elixir code with opentelemetry tracing. Overview of the common practices and explanation of how opentelemetry opensource libraries depend on each other and telemetry project.

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This talk by Denys Gonchar was recorded at our Erlang & Elixir meet-up at the Erlang Solutions office in Krakow.

Women in Elixir Lorena Mireles

Women in Elixir

The Elixir community is growing, and so is the participation of women in it. In this webinar, Lorena Mireles will share insights from her own…

Evolve your developer abilities with Elixir

Evolve your developer abilities with Elixir

A top-level overview of Elixir programming language, highlighting its origins, its unique advantages, and recount the key moments of Carlo’s own journey with Elixir.

Erlangers encounter with gleam

An Erlanger’s encounter with Gleam

A short introduction to Gleam and an entirely subjective look at it from a seasoned Erlang developer.