Content Team

Our content team comprises a diverse array of contributors hailing from various corners of Erlang Solutions. With a keen eye for emerging trends and a passion for our capabilities, we delve into the forefront of industry developments, we strive to deliver content that captivates and informs.

Latest Articles

How to write a Phoenix PubSub adapter. Tutorial example based on EventStore

How to write a Phoenix PubSub adapter. Tutorial example based on EventStore

In this blog post, we are going to show you the main steps of implementing an adapter for Phoenix PubSub.

Optimising GraphQL with Dataloader

Optimising GraphQL with Dataloader

Dataloader is a powerful tool when it comes to optimising queries. This is a hands-on introduction into the tool with GraphQL and our production use case.

FinTech Trends – Disruptors Disrupted

FinTech Trends – Disruptors Disrupted

What were the big changes in FinTech in 2020, and how will this shape the future?

How data drives MongooseIM

How data drives MongooseIM

Learn how and why the MongooseIM team is using data to make informed, user-led product decisions.

FinTech and Blockchain an Interview with Keith Bear from the CCAF

FinTech and Blockchain an Interview with Keith Bear from the CCAF

Interview of Keith Bear, Fellow from Cambridge University's Centre for Alternative Finance, on the latest on blockchain trends in FinTech.

FinTech Highlights – Best Of The BEAM

FinTech Highlights – Best Of The BEAM

Learn about the big developments and key projects Erlang Solutions have delivered related to the BEAM and FinTech.

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Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ex natus, aperiam expedita accusamus dolorum sunt fugit nam. Obcaecati minima quas voluptatibus quos totam deleniti eum, doloremque culpa ullam, vero voluptas.

Fintech 2.0 Incumbents vs Challengers – Banking’s Battle Royale

Fintech 2.0 Incumbents vs Challengers – Banking’s Battle Royale

How FinTech companies are disrupting banking and traditional financial services in our recap of the recent World FinTech Forum.

The big questions for enterprise blockchain

The big questions for enterprise blockchain

Enterprise Blockchain an interesting overview for mass adoption.